On-line bath monitoring.
The King of analytical methods in dyeing
If you are facing colour reproducibility or unlevelness problems or if you want to increase your productivity without investing in new bulk dyeing equipment, then on-line dyebath monitoring is the ideal tool to optimise your processes.
When it comes to troubleshooting process-related problems or to improving process efficiency, the main difficulty traditonally was that one could not look into the dyeing machine while the process was being carried out in order to find out what was going on. On-line dyebath monitoring overcomes this problem by analysing the dye concentrations in the dyebath continuously so that a detailed picture emerges. With our 'SmartLiquor' dyebath monitor we additionally measure pH and conductivity values, as well as differential pressure and the dyebath flow rate.
All parameter values, i.e. dye exhaustion values, pH, conductivity etc. are plotted in one single chart which serves as the basis for an in-depth analysis. We then use additional, proprietary software to calculate optimised temperature and dosing gradients, dye compatibility as well as potential time, water and energy savings. The findings and recommendations for an optimised process are summarised in a report.
If you think that on-line dyebath monitoring could help you solve your problems, then please contact us at info@ScientificSoftware.in.